Welcome to Holy Spirit Catholic School!

At our school, we provide a solid academic foundation through a strong core curriculum. Also, at the core of our school is Christian formation through the teachings and practice of the Catholic faith.

From preschool (age 3) to graduation from 8th grade, our students, families, and teachers work together to help each student reach their own potential in academics and grow in love of God, love of self, and love of others.

Our school is an integral part of our parish. As part of the wider parish community, our students see people living out the spirit of their faith through service projects and other events. Our greatest goal for our students is for them to live the Gospel message in their lives.


Contact Info

Holy Spirit Catholic School
3120 Parkwood Ln.
Maryland Heights, MO 63043

Phone: 314-739-1934
Email: info@holyspiritstl.org
Hours: 7:30am-3:00pm